{% extends 'base.html' %} {% load static i18n %} {% block title %} Genetic Profile: {{ horse.name }} | EquiSeq {% endblock title %} {% block content %}

EquiSeq Horse Management System

{{ horse.name }}

{% if horse.nickname %}

{{ horse.nickname }}

{% endif %} {% if perms.horses.change_horse or horse.owner == request.user %}
{% endif %}

Horse Information

{% if horse.breed %} {% endif %} {% if horse.breed_registration and horse.breed_registration != '0' %} {% endif %} {% if horse.sex %} {% endif %} {% if horse.pedigree_link %} {% endif %}
Owner {% if horse.owner %} {{ horse.owner|default:'Not Assigned' }} {% else %} Not Assigned {% endif %}
Owner Email {{ horse.owner.email|default:'' }}
{% if not horse.year_death %} Year Of Birth {% else %} Lifespan {% endif %} {{ horse.year_birth|default:'Unknown' }} {% if horse.year_death %} - {{ horse.year_death }} {% endif %}
Breed {{ horse.breed }}
Registration# {{ horse.breed_registration }}
Sex {{ horse.sex }}
Pedigree View Full Pedigree
{% if horse.sire %}


{% if horse.sire.name %} {% endif %} {% if horse.sire.breed %} {% endif %} {% if horse.sire.breed_registration %} {% endif %} {% if not horse.sire.name and horse.sire.pedigree_link %} {% endif %}
Name {% if horse.sire.pedigree_link %} {{ horse.sire.name }} {% else %} {{ horse.sire.name }} {% endif %}
Breed {{ horse.sire.breed }}
Registration# {{ horse.sire.breed_registration }}
Pedigree View Full Pedigree
{% endif %} {% if horse.dam %}


{% if horse.dam.name %} {% endif %} {% if horse.dam.breed %} {% endif %} {% if horse.dam.breed_registration %} {% endif %} {% if not horse.dam.name and horse.dam.pedigree_link %} {% endif %}
Name {% if horse.dam.pedigree_link %} {{ horse.dam.name }} {% else %} {{ horse.dam.name }} {% endif %}
Breed {{ horse.dam.breed }}
Registration# {{ horse.dam.breed_registration }}
Pedigree View Full Pedigree
{% endif %}
{% if horse.dna_fingerprint %}

DNA Fingerprint

Genetic marker result {% endif %}

Genetic Test Results

  • HYPP = Hyperkalemic Periodic Paralysis
  • HERDA = Hereditary equine regional dermal asthenia
  • GBED = Glycogen branching enzyme deficiency
  • MH = Malignant Hyperthermia
  • PSSM1 = Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy - Type 1
  • PSSM2 = Polysaccharide Storage Myopathy - Type 2
  • MFM = Myofibrillar Myopathy
  • RER = Recurrent Exertional Rhabdomyolysis
  • IMM = Immune-Mediated Myositis
{% for mutation in mutations %} {% if mutation.result %} {% endif %} {% endfor %}
{{ mutation.name }}

{{ mutation.result_description }}

{{ mutation.result }}
{% if perms.horses.change_horse %} Edit Horse Record {% endif %}
{% endblock %}